Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ode to Bog

Indulge me this blog and as you begin to read let us hear the "Ode to Joy" in our brains. Or Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" really, its up to you.

The Chernobog (Chernabog, Czernobog, or Tchernobog) is a Slavic god, the "Black god" if you may. An interpretation of this god was featured in Walt Disney's 1940's movie "Fantasia". Strong, evil, and a badass dude that shook Bald Mountain from the core. Quite cool, one of the best characters in any Disney movie. I remember as a child thinking how great that part of the movie was instead of the dancing Hippos in the tutus. Seriously what WERE they smoking when they put that one together?
Now imagine this girl in desperate need of a bike. Desperately searching for the right one in Mack Cycle out of the mountain of mind numbing colorful bikes all leaning against each other. Nothing... none calls out. Sure they have the components but hey when push comes to shove there has to be that special something that just calls your name. You just know it when you see it. You just know! Like that crush I had when I was 16 on John Taylor of Duran Duran. I just knew he was the one..... OK so that time I was wrong, but you catch the drift.
Rummaging and swearing under my breath because I was going nowhere with these shiny bikes all of a sudden there he was, obscured by the other bikes with their neon voices and their shiny gears. When you find the one he need not shout his presence, he only needs to wait. His voice will be heard. I heard him calling through the others and knew he was the one. Now cue your brain a second to that angelic "AAAAAHHHHHH" and a ray of light (or disco strobe with disco ball depending on which song you chose).
I had to dig him out but once I pulled him out of the asphyxiating embrace of the other bikes he sang to me. I think the actual song was Hot Chocolate's "You sexy thing". OK, wait, no that was me singing to the bike to the chagrin of my husband and the stares of the other patrons in the store, but I digress.
He is Matte black, chrome and hungry. Hungry for the road and ready to be mine. He is lovely my Cannondale CAAD9. His voice is that of an angel (Barry White) and his gears precious release on the asphalt. The moment I saw him I knew - He is the Chernobog, my Chernabog my dark god. My Bog. He need not scream color and shine, he is just a shadow passing you as I ride by. I love my Bog, here is where the crescendo hits as I hear the "Ode to Joy" thinking of my dark god. I feel like a superhero on him riding into the sunset after battling the bad guys, he has that effect upon me.
And above you will see the completely unrealistic image I have of myself as the "Hammer" after riding the Bog.
Hey, a girl needs her dreams and on my Bog thats who I am.

Fat & Fit?

I recently saw something that said something to the effect of "If you aren't fit (if you don't hit the gym) please sit this one out".

Now, it made me think about what fit meant to people. To most of society fit means thin for the ladies, for guys means hypertrophied bodies. What is 'fit' really? Take a glance around the next time you go to work out. Are there people there every time you go that are working hard on the cardio machines or in the cycling classes that in every day clothing (or in a bathing suit) look 'unfit'? In other words, do they fit the shallow idea our society has of 'fit'?

I know a man, who has been through an amazing journey of fitness, over the years has lost over 100 pounds and can talk the talk, and is more knowledgeable than most trainers I have met. If you saw him you would never think of him as 'fit'. He can, however run circles around most of us, lift heavier weights than most men and is one of the healthiest people I know. His HDL cholesterol is beyond good, his resting heart rate is approximately 56 bpm, he runs 3 -5 miles 5 times a week. He will never look the part of athlete, but he is one - and he is fitter than most individuals who look the look of fit.

The other day, a 25 year old, size 5, 119 lb woman came to me for a body fat caliper test. Her result 26% body fat. TWENTY SIX! As per the calculations she had 28 lbs of fat. Is this by any means fit? For the average American this girl was 'hot'. No muscle definition, she smokes, she drinks, she doesn't get enough sleep. Trust me, in 10 years this will definitely show physically, mentally and take its toll on her overall health.

Just keep these things in mind when you are working out, when you don't think the weight is coming off or that you don't look like a fitness model (male or female) and therefore aren't fit.
Just answer a few questions truthfully: Do you do cardiovascular training 3 x a week or more? Is your heart rate between 75% and 87% the whole time (excluding any interval days)? Do you consciously train with weight bearing exercise 3x or more a week? This could be your own body weight or weights, circuit training or functional training included as well.

If you can say yes but you still have a body that doesn't look 'fit' just keep in mind that genetically we also have three different body types as well. Be honest with yourself as to which one you fit in.

The Ectomorph - lean, flat, delicate bone structure and has a hard time gaining muscle.
The Endomorph - Rounder, has a hard time defining muscle, can be considered 'stalky'.
The Mesomorph - Muscular, athletic build, however will gain fat easier than an Ectomorph.

Imagine an Endomorph that works on extreme cardiovascular training. We all know of an Endomorph who does this. This man was stalky all of his life, had a heart condition and had to undergo surgery. He is however a avid cyclist and owns over 40 bikes.

He is fit. He is Robin Williams. He rides his bike as much as he can and has done so with his buddy Lance Armstrong. Would you imagine Robin Williams as 'fit'? Why not? Because he doesn't look the part? Probably.

You can be fit, healthy and on your road to looking the best you can be, keep the expectations real and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. One of the best things you can do for yourself is find a fitness professional who knows what they are doing like the gentleman I mentioned above - a person who isn't 'fit' only due to age and genetics but knows what they are talking about through experience and education, it is an eye opening experience to work with someone like that who can guide you to health. Eat right, exercise and don't forget to enjoy life!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer of the Greats

Even if you don't follow sports you can't help but to know that this is the summer of the greats. World Cup fever and Cycling fever (Tour de France, Lance is back) have set in and its impossible to ignore the amazing athletes competing in their full glory.

Why do we admire these athletes and get caught up in the excitement of these modern day Gladiators fighting in their arenas for the ultimate prize? So what is it about these amazing individuals that make them who they are? Why are they our heroes?

Call me crazy but I am going to say its their ability to say "I can". Sure talent has everything to do with it too, but its always mind over matter that gets you through the rough times, the pain, the hardship to overcome that little voice in your head that says "I can't". Of course we might give in to the "can't" but that is not a problem, just shake yourself off, smile and say the words "I am a Champ". If that sounds silly, please take a second to ponder. If you don't think you are a Champ who will?

YOU are a champ.

YOU can do it.

Give the word "NO" the finger and in the famous words of Nike "JUST DO IT".

"I can find the energy after a long day to help my child with her homework."
"I can find a smile for the stranger on the street."
"I can change my attitude and find a nice thing to say."
"I can wake up a half hour earlier and do some Yoga."

Whatever it is that holds you back just remember that its up to you to become the person you want to be. You are only a victim to your circumstances when you make yourself one. Look at Lance, he had very little hopes of surviving Cancer. "I can't" wasn't an option for him.